Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gas prices across the nation are just ridiculous huh? That is what I was thinking when I was filling up my car at the gas station when someone yelled out my name. I looked over and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was one of my best friends from high school who I haven’t seen probably in 16 years. What makes this so special is that he was in a hip hop group that I used to do art for. He and his group were responsible for a lot of my motivation to excel in the 80’s which successfully helped shaped my art. The hip hop culture, the graffiti, the art life, the art times. A whole lot of superstars, on this stage her tonight but I want yawl to know one thing… this is… My House. In the late 1980’s I was at my peak doing flyers, posters, stickers, t-shirts, logos, and album covers (That’s records made of wax for you bed wetters.) for the group. Therefore, it couldn’t be more fitting than to present to you, my 1989 drawing of a flyer for my friends Hip Hop group… The Legion of Doom. Shouts! Rob, Will, Mikeski, LSD, no more than four to the LOD! 151! (Pen, Ink, and Drafting Media)

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