Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Tribute to Michael W. Lomax

Michael W. Lomax, age 37.

Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of New York, N.Y. (USA).

Michael W. Lomax will be honored by Manuel at the blog A Moment in Time. This was the 3276th blogger to sign up for the 2,996 Tribute project.

A memorial fund has been set up in memory of Stockport businessman Michael Lomax, 37, from Heaton Moor, who perished in the World Trade Center where he worked on the 93rd floor for Aon Corp.

The Michael Lomax Memorial Fund was set up by wife Erica and the Lomax family and the money will be dedicated to community charities in and around New York.

Michael, a former Stockport Grammar pupil, made a call to his wife Erica from the 84th floor of the south tower just before the second hijacked airliner crashed into the building. It was the last the family heard from him.

The New York Community Trust for The Michael Lomax Memorial Fund and sent care of:

The Michael Lomax Memorial Fund, New York Community Trust, 909 Third Avenue, New York NY 10022

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Photography - Mom's Orchid

This is an orchid from one of my Mom's beautiful orchid pots. Mom is the best orchid grower in the world! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Coincidence or Not?

Greetings all. A nice welcome back to blog world. I'm posting a few stuff a have written about but never got around to posting them. I begin with the Coincidence or Not series....

I'm working on my website at trying to figure out what is the best site template to use to display an art based website. I had thought I was going to settle one, tweaking, looking, revising, standing back looking at the screen, then while I'm at that final point of trying to decide if this template is really going to work, the song by U2 "I Still Haven't Found" .. "What I'm looking for" was on. Coincidence or Not? (20060516)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A VW Squareback! Literally, yes they did make these things. I found this website where someone was selling a project Squareback with a photo of a gazillion pieces neatly organized and ready for you to put together. Sink included! (Pen and Ink, 1988)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Believe me, I was trying to get somewhere with this one. If you click on the picture for the higher res, you can see details of the flower itself where I was getting some good fades. I think I opted out continuing with this piece due to the colors being very harsh. In any case, that’s what art is all about.

Monday, May 29, 2006

I have a few drawings of the Volkswagen Beetle. Here’s my story about them. My Father, the best in the whole world, one day when I was a senior in high school took his old gold colored VW Beetle to get a Candy Apple Red paint job. Then he surprised me with it and said “Son, this is your car.” For a 17 year old kid back then, just to even have a car and not walk some 5 miles to school was great! I took that car, threw some banana rims on it, tricked out the engine with some chrome (Note: This did not put a dent in the 48 horsepower 1600cc engine) and slammed it to the ground. If it wasn’t for my Dad, I would not have this love for cars. That’s my story on the VW Beetles.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

More ink! And color pencils, all mixed together to create a nice drawing. This butterfly is only a portion of a drawing from my sketch book "Welcome to the Terror Dome" that I painstakenly scanned. It took me hours, but I scanned just about every page in it to share with you. So please check it out here. Make sure to register first so you can see the FULL size images. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Now let’s take a little turn from all that Pen and Ink and head towards Paint alley. In fact, let’s twist it. Twist the brush, the colors and the canvas and you produce this painting titled “Twisted Colors”. Twisted Colors is an acrylic painting I did in 1997 for my sister. I haven’t found a preference for either acrylic or oil paints. I personally think it comes down to what you want to accomplish in the end. I have done works in both and like both. I hope you all like this one. (Acrylic on Canvas, 1997)

Friday, May 26, 2006

More cars! A Model T hot rod drawing. I started to get crazy with the detailing then began to work on other projects where I never completed this one. If you want to know more about the Model T, you can check out Wiki here. (Pen and Ink, 1989)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Here is an Orb I drew in colored pencil. Nothing spectacular, just an assortment of colors everywhere to give it that euphoric look. (1997)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Here is a quick sketch of a 1947 Chevrolet automobile. It can be whichever model you like, The Fleetline, Stylemaster, Sportsmaster, Aerosedan, Townsedan, Sport Coupe, or The Business Coupe. A guy thing again. (Ballpoint Pen)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Every summer is a Summer Jam. Even in 2006, with summer right around the corner, it’s going to be a Jam. Almost 20 years ago; there was the Summer Jam of 1987. I made this party flyer for my Sister and her friends where they would pass out to their closest friends. My question is how in the world were people able to read these things? I mean, look at the map, and look at those arrows, got directions? LOL! In any case, this was drawn in 1987. Where has time gone? I kid you not when I say “…this is my moment in time to share with you…” (Pen and Ink)

Monday, May 22, 2006

It’s the “P-Funk”, the “Pure Funk”, the “Plainfield Funk”, the “I want the bomb, I want the P-Funk, I want my funk uncut”, Parliament Funk. (Pen and Ink 1995)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Don’t ask me why I drew characters with big teeth. I couldn’t tell you. Here is another one of those situations back in 1989 where I must have been bored at work. I doodled this rabbit character to past the time on. Too many bits and bytes, bytes and bits, all I want is my two front teeth… Just kidding, all I wanted to do in life is DRAW! (Ballpoint pen)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I did a four year service for the United States Air Force that gave me the opportunity to learn a new skill, travel, and meet some of the finest people I have ever worked with. When I signed up, I tested pretty well on my Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test where I thought I had a pretty good chance on landing an excellent AF Job. Those that know, it's the military's pickings first. I was actually one of the lucky ones where my recruiter did not fake the funk on me and told me I had no guarantees. I was worried, but felt I had nothing to lose. Plus, everyone was telling me since I did so well on the ASVAB to join the Air Force and you're better off not joining the Army, Navy or the Marines for a bunch of reasons (Sorry!). Don't fret, I actually like all the other branches and thank those who are in service, have serviced, and have made the ultimate sacrifice. God bless them all. One of the other reasons I didn't join the other branches such as the Navy was because I got sea-sick. No way Jose would I torture myself feeding fish off the side of a ship for four years. The Army, I just never really gave it thought. The Marines, the same thing, I saw those commercials where they were in a boat and I was like no way. And you can imagine what I thought about joining the Coast Guard. So the Air Force was the only logical thing to do. Did it, got on a plane to fly to boot camp in Lackland AFB, Texas and guess what happened during that flight? I got air sick!! So there I am, discovered my real problem was with motion sickness and I'm joining the Air Force, great. To top it all off, the Air Force makes you fill out a questionnaire of things you don't like such as, "Are you afraid of heights?" and "Do you have problems with following instructions?" I figured it was to properly place you in a job and not put you in something where you may not function well, such as boom operator who has to refuel planes in midair with precise hand controls and concentration. Or be able to turn "The Key" on command. One question that vividly stood out with me was this one: "Are you afraid of seeing blood?" The reason, I made sure I filled in that bubble "YES" really good as there was no way in heck I wanted to see any blood. Guess what the Air Force decided my job to be? My four years of the Air Force was solely dedicated to providing health care services to all that walk through the military hospital doors. I had become a Medical Service Journeyman/Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.), great. I overcame the fear of blood but not the motion sickness and blended into my new career quite well but the major thing was I did not have to fly, thank God.

This finally leads me to the drawings below. I had the opportunity to lend my artful hand into creating some t-shirt designs for an E.M.T. competition called an "E.M.T. Rodeo" at McConnell AFB, Kansas. The first year (1993) I drew the symbolic hospital cross with a bull in the center. The idea here was to get the wording "E.M.T. Rodeo" to stand out but to also have something that resembled a rodeo. If I drew the bull in detail, it would have washed out the "E.M.T. Rodeo". Therefore, I used stippling to faintly pattern the bull so it stood out in a darker background but not to stand out more than the words. When transferred to silk-screened t-shirts, this combination worked out really well as you can vividly see the wording and an outline of a bull, plus all within a hospital cross. I was happy with the results.

For the second year (1994), I wanted something not so rectangular, something that was different from the previous year just in case a lot of previous year t-shirts showed up at the second competition. So I designed a circular drawing making sure the words stood out as it should, a rodeo themed horse, and again including a symbolic drawing for E.M.T.'s (The Serpent and Staff with the Star of Life). (Pen and Ink with Vinyl Letters)

Friday, May 19, 2006

It’s time to get wicked!!! I love this drawing. I didn’t make this one up. I saw it somewhere, I just can’t remember where since I did it in 1995. If anyone knows, please inform me. This drawing is just so wicked. I wished I had gotten the spine in a nice tight circle. It’s off a little bit but not by much and you probably wouldn’t of realize it if I had not mentioned it. It was drawn in India ink and the fades were done with a black ballpoint pen.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Why do some artists find it interesting to do their work with strange things? I’m trying to think now, why did I even draw this… Who knows… As awkward as it may look, you can’t blame him when it comes to showing off the grills. (Ballpoint Pen, 1990)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Just a typical guy thing who likes cars. Why a VW Bus is beyond me, but when people customize things that you aren’t suppose to customize, such as a VW Bus, it trips me out. Lowered, shaved, ragged out, low profile tires, on a bus? Or how about a Beetle? LOL! (Pen and Ink, 1995)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Do you guys remember those Absolute Vodka advertisements in magazines where they would take their vodka bottle and make an art piece from it? I thought they were pretty cool and a great marketing technique. One that caught my eye was the rendition they did with a trumpet. The shiny metal, the beautiful chrome and interesting reflections the photographed trumpet reflected challenged me to recapture it with this 1994 pen and ink drawing. I was amazed that I pulled it off quite well for not tracing or for not having experience with the direction of light.

Monday, May 15, 2006

In this drawing I was practicing with stippling again. Stippling as I mentioned in a previous post is the art of dots. Lots of dots. So many dots, so time consuming, but the results are so nice. What I have found was using the best types of inks and nibs, and some good ol’ patience produced the best results. (Pen and Ink 1987)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Here I am practicing with the ballpoint office pen again. I did this while at work back in 1990. I guess it wasn’t too busy then. The thing about using ballpoint pens is that it gives you a really nice fade and cut lines. If you start out heavy on a line and pull up as you draw, the pen will give you a nice fade. Also the inks used on the ballpoint pens are thick. So you do not get any bleeding. At times, you may get some blotching but all you have to clean the tip as it will cake up with ink.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

This 1990 drawing doesn't say anything. I was really getting to like playing with the ball pen fade technique. So I drew up some lines that may look like something but don't. The fade, the lines, the overlapping and the connections is what intrigued me about this piece.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Another sketch I did of a fountain pen. It was drawn on computer paper with a ballpoint pen. (1990)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just a quick doodle of an octopus drawn with an ink pen. (1990)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A drawing of a palm tree. Drawn with Pen and Ink and the background in chalk. (1994)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Here is a Pencil drawing I did in 1994. I was trying to practice the aspect of reflections with glass and metal with Pencil. Different depths in shading, soft and hard applications of the graphite.

Monday, May 08, 2006

When you think of Art and Mushrooms together, I think I know what you’re thinking. Therefore don’t think like that so you could prove me wrong. My main joy with this combination, besides what you can’t help but to think, is the wonderful colors that could be mashed together in such an infinite way. At least that was until I realize just about every mushroom I have ever seen in my life have always been the ones from grocery stores or the fungi growing in my grass. Brown. Yep, bummer. Oh well, it was fun to do at the time, as with your thoughts, art and mushrooms I can run wild with them since it was my moment in time. 1994 (Color Pencils, Markers, Pen and Ink)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Here is another 1995 drawing of a flower done in Pen and Ink. This one resembles a tattoo. Sometimes when an artist does their work, they will begin their craft without a meaning. Sketch it, shape it and evolve it. In my case, I started without a meaning and finished without a meaning. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Yes a flower. How did you guess? Pen and Ink with chalk. 1994

Friday, May 05, 2006

Practicing 3D letters. Pen and Ink 1994.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don’t tell me you all don’t remember Star Blazers? Ah come on, it was a classic anime. Remember? The ruined shell of the Yamato Battleship was converted into the Yamato Spaceship (Argo) in hopes to desperately save earth from a war with planet Gamilon. As a 10 year old kid, this had to be the coolest TV shows especially when you were used to watching Leave It To Beaver, The Little Rascals, Shazaam, Sigmund the Sea Monster, Lost in Space and The Looney Toones. Well maybe not cooler than The Little Rascals. But for some reason I never drew The Little Rascals. This is my 1979/80 drawing of Star Blazers.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Of the many things I’ve spent drawing over the years, one has been of cars. What can I say, I’ve illustrated just about everything but the kitchen sink. Cars were no exception. This 1994 drawing is of a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle. Pen and Ink was the weapon of choice. Ever played that game when you were on a long road trip and every time you saw a VW Beetle, you would yell out “Punch Bug” and either punched or pinched your brother or sister? Well, my parents owned one. Not this model but the super-dooper 1973 Beetle. If you ever go to a retro or modern car show and there are VW Beetles present, you’ll notice you won’t see any of the Super Beetles. For some reason they aren’t as classy to restore as their smaller bumpers, fenders and shockless older brothers and sisters. I hope you all like cars. If not, as my Dad always said, “no biggie.” I’ll post more of my car drawings some time. Thanks for visiting and viewing my little moment in time.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Eh mon, what gwaan in 1992 but likkle rasta for da I mon. Cyaan no one colt de game from meh. Respect, unnu can come wid mi, chek meh skilz, mi graphics es dem wickid fe dem bumbaclouts! Heh, every mikkle makes a muckle. Ya no see it? Seen? Shouts Reggae Sunsplash/World Peace Tour 1991: Maxi Priest, Dennis Brown, Shinehead, Andrew Tosh, Carlene Davis, Little Lenny, and the A Team Band. Peace. (Airbrush and Ink)

Monday, May 01, 2006

In this 1994 pencil, pen and ink drawing I was into this music called Ambient. I was introduced to it by a friend of mine who had just came from Germany and brought with him all this stuff; House, Techno, and Ambient. He wore the baggy jeans, Dr. Marten urban boots and silky button-up shirts that glowed in dark when club lights shined on him as he twitched and violently jerked his body to European beats. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t sure what to think of when every time I showed up at his door step to see what he's been up to, he would open his door, yell out my name and start dancing right before my eyes. In any case, to live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. So I thanked him for introducing me to Ambient. Some of my favorites in no particular order: The Future Sounds of London, The Orb, Bill Laswell, Pete Namlook, Robert Rich, Steve Roach and The Woob. There are far too many to list but well worth checking out if you have the time. Another excellent site for Ambient is where you can jam to Groove Salad or chill to Dronezone. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Some of the drawings I do are for practicing certain techniques. In this case, a 1994 pen and ink drawing of a flower using a mix technique of “lined” outlines and shading called “stippling.” What is stippling? Wiki's definition of stippling is “the technique of using small dots to simulate varying degrees of solidity or shading." I really like the aspect of giving my art dimensions. The dimensions may not be mathematically correct as you saw in my perspective drawing on 4/26/2006 but it creates varying degrees of depth that I really enjoy applying. Likewise, I do not care for it to be perfect where it looks like a photograph. Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything. It’s all within the eyes of the beholder.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The willow tree plays the water like a harp. (1994 Pencil Drawing)

Friday, April 28, 2006

What in the world would we have done without ink? We would be trying to piece together clay tablets to get out of the dark ages in 2006. Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind. The Story of Dyes and Pigments by Ber Francois, Guineau Delamare is a good book that goes through a detailed history of its early uses in ancient times, refinement through the Middle Ages and so on. It has great insights such as why purple is the color of royalty. What colors are white and black made of? My 1995 contribution of pigments and dyes derived from hematites, goethites, and manganese oxides. Push it good.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gas prices across the nation are just ridiculous huh? That is what I was thinking when I was filling up my car at the gas station when someone yelled out my name. I looked over and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was one of my best friends from high school who I haven’t seen probably in 16 years. What makes this so special is that he was in a hip hop group that I used to do art for. He and his group were responsible for a lot of my motivation to excel in the 80’s which successfully helped shaped my art. The hip hop culture, the graffiti, the art life, the art times. A whole lot of superstars, on this stage her tonight but I want yawl to know one thing… this is… My House. In the late 1980’s I was at my peak doing flyers, posters, stickers, t-shirts, logos, and album covers (That’s records made of wax for you bed wetters.) for the group. Therefore, it couldn’t be more fitting than to present to you, my 1989 drawing of a flyer for my friends Hip Hop group… The Legion of Doom. Shouts! Rob, Will, Mikeski, LSD, no more than four to the LOD! 151! (Pen, Ink, and Drafting Media)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Have you ever broke out one of those cheapo plastic rulers and go to town with drawing lines? Have you ever gotten to a point in time where you thought everything was too linear and boring? Drawing is the honesty of the art, even when your attempt is to be linear and perspective. This 1994 drawing spells out something, can you guess what it says? Hint: The “A” is not in perspective with the rest of the drawing.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My Dad was a blast when it came to football. He would watch games with his buddies and whooped and hollered at the TV. Maybe it was for a touchdown, maybe for a penalty. For a 10 year old, this was very emotional to me. All the action, yelling, laughing, food, drinks, laughing, did I mention drinks? Oh the good times. This inspired me to draw what all the fuss was about. The game was the 1980 NFL Wildcard Playoff game featuring the Dallas Cowboys and the Los Angeles Rams. Dallas ended up winning that game 34 to 13. Told you I am a good drawer, am I. Good times…

Monday, April 24, 2006

There couldn't be a better day than today to start my blog. Today is my sister Milanie's birthday! Happy Birthday Milanie! And for my first art piece to blog, a birthday flyer I drew for my sister back in 1986. This was done in pen and ink so it could be easily replicated on a copy machine and handed out as an invitation to Milanie’s closest friends. This was a slumber party as you can see “Sleeping bags and a change of clothes are required.” I was 16 at the time I drew this and as you can see a lot of improvement was warranted. Go Milanie, It’s birthday, go Milanie it’s your birthday.